
\nPhylum: Mollusca<\/a>
\nGenus: Richmondoceras<\/em> Frey, 1995
\nCincinnatian Species:
Richmondoceras brevicameratum<\/a><\/em><\/p>\n<\/div>\n

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Geologic Range<\/strong>
\nLate Ordovician <\/p>\n

Common Paleoecology<\/strong>
\nRichmondoceras<\/em> is an extinct genus of nektonic carnivores<\/p>\n

Identification in Hand Sample<\/strong>:<\/p>\n

  • Medium to large, slender, gradually expanding orthoconic longicones<\/li>\n
  • Circular in section with straight, transverse sutures<\/li>\n
  • Body chamber long and tubular, at least one-fifth the total length of the shell<\/li>\n
  • Siphuncle segments highly compressed, the length of the phragmocone<\/li>\n
  • Siphuncle midventral in position to the length of the phragmocone<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>\n

    Geographic Occurrences<\/strong><\/p>\n
