Resources for Teachers
A series of educational materials targeted at K-12 classrooms will be developed as part of this project.
Three hands-on inquiry based classroom activities are currently available that align with the Ohio Revised Science Standards:
Oceans of Ohio 5E Lesson Plan (PDF)
This inquiry-based exercise introduces students to Cincinnatian fossils through a 5E cycle lesson plan that teaches students to observe fossil data, classify organisms, reconstructing ancient environments.
The lesson plan was co-developed with science education faculty members and is aligned with the Ohio Revised Science Standards and incorporates opportunities to meet standards within the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th grade curricula. Literacy and assessment strategies are developed for each of the 5E phases (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate).
Survival Game 5E Lesson Plan (PDF)
Supplemental Cards (PDF)
This inquiry-based exercise leverages Cincinnati fossils to investigate invasive species dynamics in the modern ecosystem through a 5E cycle lesson plan that teaches students to observe patterns and generalize processes of competition and ecosystem dynamics.
The lesson plan is aligned with the Ohio Revised Science Standards and incorporates opportunities to meet standards within the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th grade curricula.
Geologic Time 5E Lesson Plan (PDF)
Geologic Time Event Cards (PDF)
This inquiry-based exercise introduces students to the magnitude of geologic time and major events that transpired during Earth history. Modified from the Paleontological Society’s Lesson (here).
The lesson plan was co-developed with science education faculty members and is aligned with the Ohio Revised Science Standards and incorporates opportunities to meet standards within the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th grade curricula. Literacy and assessment strategies are developed for each of the 5E phases (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate).
Additional educational resources developed by the Paleontological Society are available at their Education Resources page.