
Phylum: Hemichordata
Class: Graptolithina
Order: Graptoloidea (Lapworth, 1875)
Cincinnatian Families: Diplograptidae
Geologic Range
Early Ordovician – Late Silurian
Common Paleoecology
Graptoloidea is an extinct order of passively mobile planktonic suspension feeders
Characteristics of the Order
- Sicula pendent from nema
- uniserial or biserial (very rarely quadriserial)
- Rhabdosome generally of few stipes
- Comprising only one type of theca
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Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part V (1955):
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part V (1955):
- Planktonic or epiplanktonic Graptolithina, sicula pendent from nema (virgula); stipes pendent to scandent in relation to this, uniserial or biserial (very rarely quadriserial); rhabdosome generally of few stipes, comprising only one type of theca (autotheca).
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