
Phylum: Bryozoa
Class: Stenolaemata
Order: Trepostomatida
Family: Atactotoechidae
Genus: Leptotrypa Ulrich, 1883
Cincinnatian species:
Leptotrypa minima, Leptotrypa ornata

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Type Species: Leptotrypa minima (Ulrich, 1883)
Synonyms: Calacanthopora Duncan, 1939
Species found in the Cincinnatian (Bryozoa.net)
Type Species: Leptotrypa minima (Ulrich, 1883)
Synonyms: Calacanthopora Duncan, 1939
Species found in the Cincinnatian (Bryozoa.net)
- Leptotrypa minima (Ulrich, 1883)
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Geographic Occurrences
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Sequences (Formations)
Sequences (Formations)
- C5 Sequence (Lower Whitewater)
- C3 Sequence (Corryville)
- C2 Sequence (Bellevue)
- C1 Sequence (Clays Ferry/Kope: Economy/Fulton)
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Identification in Hand Sample:
- Zoarium Morphology: thin and evenly spread
- Zoecia: thin
- Monticules: sharp
- Thin encrusting colonies
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Ernst and May (2009):
- Thin encrusting colonies. Autozooecia with polygonal apertures. Autozooecial walls irregularly thickened, throughout the colony or near the periphery, indistinctly laminated, usually intregrated in initial part and merged near the colony surface. Autozooecial diaphragms absent or rare. Exilazooecia rare. Acanthostyles small to moderately large, common to abundant.
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part G (1953):
- Incrusting, with sharp monticules. Zooecial walls thin, diaphragms nearly wanting. Mesopores rare; acanthopores few.
Fritz (1944):
- Heterotrypidae with the zoarium thin evenly spread parasitic expansions with thin-walled, polygonal zooecia, no mesopores, few diaphragms, and very small acanthopores which are never abundant.
Bassler (1911):
- Heterotrypidae with the zoarium of thin evenly spread parasitic expansions with thin-walled, polygonal zooecia, no mesopores, few diaphragms, and very small acanthopores, which are never abundant.
- Genotype.—Leptotrypa minima Ulrich. Upper Ordovician (Maysville), Ohio Valley.
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