Constellaria florida
Phylum: Bryozoa
Class: Stenolaemata
Order: Cystoporata
Genus: Constellaria
Species: Constellaria florida Ulrich, 1882
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Includes Constellaria constellatai
Includes Constellaria constellatai
History: (Under Constellaria consellata Nickles & Bassler, 1900)
- —- Ceriopora constellata Van Cleve (Mss.), Plates of Fossils.
- 1846 Constellaria constellata Dana, Zoophyta, p. 537, pl. lii, 6a, b.
- 1881 Chaetetes constellatus Quenstedt, Roehren- und Sternkorallen, p. 79, pl. cxlvi, 21-25.
- 1850 Stellipora antheloidea (not of Hall) D’Orbigny, Prodr. de Pal., I, p. 22.
- 1851 Constellaria antheloidea (not of Hall) Milne-Edwards and Haime, Pol. Foss. Terr. Pal., p. 279, pl. xx, 7, 7b.
- 1860 Stellipora antheloidea (not of Hall) Milne-Edwards, Hist. Nat. des Corall., III, p. 281.
- 1866 Hellipora (Constellaria) antheloidea (not of Hall) Rominger, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia. p. 118.
- 1875 Constellaria antheloidea (not of Hall) Nicholson, Pal. Ohio, II, p. 214.
- 1876 Constellaria antheloidea (not of Hall) Nicholson, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 4, XVIII, p. 92, pl. v, 10.
- 1878 Constellaria antheloidea (not of Hall) James, Paleontologist, No. 2 p. 13.
- 1879 Constellaria antheloidea (not of Hall) Nicholson, Pal. Tab. Corala, p. 301, pl. xiv, 5, 5b.
- 1882 Constellaria antheloidea (not of Hall) (Van Cleve) White, Eleventh Ann. Rep. Indiana Geol. Nat. Hist., p. 379, pl. xlvi, 1-3.
- 1882 Constellaria florida Ulrich, Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., V, p. 257; ibid., VI, 1883, p. 267, pl. xiv, 2-2f.
- 1896 Constellaria florida Ulrich, Zittel’s Textb. Pal. (Engl. ed.), fig. 461 (p. 276).
- 1888 Monticulipora (Constellaria) polystomella (not of Nicholson), (in part) James and James, Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., XI, p. 30.
- 1896 Monticulipora (Constellaria) polystomella (not of Nicholson), (in part) J.F. James, Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., XVIII, p. 118.
- Cincinnati (Lorraine): Cincinnati, Ohio. A common fossil in the Lorraine beds of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee
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Geographic Occurrences
Map point data provided by iDigBio.
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Sequences (Formations)
Sequences (Formations)
- C1 Sequence (McMicken, Cynthiana)
- C2 Sequence (Farimount)
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Identification in Hand Sample
- Zoarium Morphology: Erect, flattened branches or fronds (frondose)
- Zoecia: polygonal
- Mesozooids: More numerous in maculae
- Monticules: Surface with depressed stellate (star-shaped) maculae
- Spaces between rays elevated and occupied by rows of close apertures
Diagnosis: Ramose to subfrondescent, 3-5mm thick, conspicuous stellate maculae (McFarlan,1931)
Constellaria florida from Kope Formation of Franklin County, Indiana (OUIP 24)
Additional Species Differentiation