Corynotrypa inflata

Phylum: Bryozoa
Class: Stenolaemata
Order: Cyclostomata
Genera: Corynotrypa
Species: Corynotrypa inflata (Hall, 1847)

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Originally: Alecto inflata
Includes: Hippothoa inflata, Stomatopora inflata, Corynotrypa curta, Corynotrypa medialis, and Corynotrypa inflataHistory: (Under Stomatopora inflata Nickles & Bassler, 1900)
Originally: Alecto inflata
Includes: Hippothoa inflata, Stomatopora inflata, Corynotrypa curta, Corynotrypa medialis, and Corynotrypa inflataHistory: (Under Stomatopora inflata Nickles & Bassler, 1900)
- 1847 Alecto inflata Hall, Pal. New York, I, p. 77, pl. xxvi, 7a, b.
- 1875 Hippothoa inflata Nicholson, Pal. Ohio, II, p. 268, pl. xxv, 1, 1b.
- 1881 Stomatopora inflata Vine, Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, XXXVII, p. 615.
- 1890 Stomatopora inflata Ulrich, Jour. Cincinnati Soc. nat. Hist., XII, p. 176, fig. 3c.
- 1893 Stomatopora inflata Ulrich, Geol. Minnesota, III, p. 117, pl. i, 13-21.
- 1896 Stomatopora inflata Ulrich, Zittel’s Textb. Pal. (Eng. ed.), fig. 412B (p. 261).
- 1897 Stomatopora inflata Simpson, Fourteenth Ann. Rep. State Geologist New York for the year 1894, figs. 202-204 (p. 597).
- Trenton and Cincinnati: At various localities in the Black River of Minnesota; in the Trenton of New York, Kentucky, Minnesota, and Canada; in the Lorraine of Ohio, and in the Richmond of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Illinois.
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Sequences (Formations: Members)
Sequences (Formations: Members)
- C6 Sequence (Elkhorn)
- C5 Sequence (Liberty, Waynesville)
- C4 Sequence (Arnheim)
- C3 Sequence (Mt. Auburn, Corryville)
- C2 Sequence (Bellevue)
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Identification in Hand Sample

- Zoarium Morphology: No distinctive branches, but does encrust in a branching pattern
- Zoecia: Shorter, more uniformly inflated zooecia
- Aperture has a distinct peristome and situated near the anterior end of the colony
- Distinguished from C. delicatula by pyriform zoarium

Corynotrypa inflata from the McMillan Formation of Florence, Kentucky (OUIP 979)
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Steve Holland (2013, UGA strat lab):
Steve Holland (2013, UGA strat lab):
- Lacks the very long zooids and distinctive branches in C. delicatula
Taylor & Wilson (1994):
- Runner-like colonies: uniserial zooids encrusting in a branching pattern. Distinguishable from C. deliculata in having shorter more uniformly fat or “inflated” zooecia.
Bassler (1911):
- Zorium adnate, usually upon ramose or solid bryozoans or brachiopods; zooecia typically short, pyriform, with the stolon but slightly developed; eight or nine zooecia in 5 mm.; angle of divergence averaging 40 degrees. Exclusive of the stolon a single specimen is 0.4 mm. long and 0.26 mm. wide. The aperture has a distinct peristome, is direct, circular, about 0.09 mm. in diameter, and situated near the anterior end.
- The variability of this species has been noted in the previous remarks upon the section. Reference to the illustrations (figs. 12 and 13) will show that the zooecia of such variable zoaria are normal if the stolon is eliminated.
- The pyriform shape and the size of the zoarium combined with its rather considerable angle of divergence will distinguish C. inflata from related members of the section. The Devonian and Jurassic species, C. devonia and C. smithi, have a very similar zoarium, but in each instance their zooecia, so far as present knowledge goes, are much smaller. The other members of the C. inflata section have greater angles of divergence and their zooecia are therefore correspondingly more swollen.
- Occurrence. – Specimens of C. inflate are generally abundant in all of the middle and upper Ordovician and earlier Silurian (Richmond) formations of North America. Recently its geographic range has been extended by the discovery of typical examples in the middle Ordovician (Wesenberg) limestone, at Wesenberg, Esthonia, Russia. The original types came from the Trenton rocks of New York, where the zoarium is of more delicate growth than in the higher formations. The forms from the several Cincinnatian formations have a luxuriant growth, one network of zooecia covering another until dense clusters result.
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