
Phylum: Brachiopoda
Class: Rhynchonellata
Order: Orthida
Family: Platystrophiidae
Genus: Vinlandostrophia Zuykov & Harper, 2007
Cincinnatian Species:Vinlandostrophia acutilirata, Vinlandostrophia annieana, Vinlandostrophia clarksvillensis, Vinlandostrophia colbiensis, Vinlandostrophia cypha, Vinlandostrophia hopensis, Vinlandostrophia laticosta, Vinlandostrophia moritura, Vinlandostrophia ponderosa
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Formerly: Platystrophia, North American specimens now referred to as Vinlandostrophia
Cincinnatian species: Holopea obliqua, Vinlandostrophia annieana, Holopea obliqua, Vinlandostrophia colbiensis,Vinlandostrophia cypha, Vinlandostrophia hopensis, Holopea obliqua, Vinlandostrophia moritura, and Vinlandostrophia ponderosa
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Geologic Range
Early Ordovician (Arenig) – Middle Silurian (Wenlock)
Common Paleoecology
Vinlandostrophia is an extinct genus of stationary, epifaunal suspension feeders
Identification in Hand Sample
- Large platystophiid genus
- Spiriferoid in outline (lack of spiral brachidium indicate it is an orthid)
- Biconvex
- Strong plications
- Well developed fold and sulcus
- Acute to mucronate cardinal extremities
- Teeth thick and prominent
Geographic Occurrences
Hannah Brame pers. comm. (2013)
- Long straight hinge line
- Strongly plicated biconvex shell
Zuykov & Harper (2007)
- Derivation of name: After “Vinland”, which is the historical name for the eastern coast of Canada as used during the age of the Vikings.
- Type Species: Platystrophia ponderosa (Foerste, 1909), Upper Ordovician, Maysvillian, Indiana, USA.
- Diagnosis: >Large platystrophiid genus, with costae in ventral sulcus of triplicate type; cardinalia characterized by septalium; fulcral plates present; anterior and posterior pairs of adductor closely spaced in the central part of the valve, bisected by median septum; muscle impressions of anterior adductor scars smooth, whereas posterior adductor scars with thin and low creases of secondary shell.
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part H, Vol. 3 (2000): (Under Platystrophia)
- Normally large, spiriferoid in outline with acute to mucronate cardinal extremities, strongly biconvex, costate and finely granulose, variably lamellose, ventral beak commonly resorbed with apical foramen; posterior pair of quadripartite dorsal adductor scars larger than anterior pair; ventral mantle canal system digitate
Fossils of Ohio (1996)
- Large orthid brachiopod whose width is significantly greater than its length. The valves are commonly strongly biconvex in profile. The outline is variable, from quadrate or rectangular to subtriangular and mucronate. The hinge line is striaght. Coarse ribs radiate from the umbones; rib crests are angular. The dorsal valve has a well-developed fold at the anterior commissure, and the ventral valve has a corresponding sulcus. A number of species have been identified on the basis of differences in outline and the number of ribs on the valves. The interior of the ventral valve has a broad muscle scar toward the posterior. Externally Platystrophia resembles a spiriferid brachiopod, but the lack of a spiral brachidium and details of shell structure indicate that it is an orthid.
- Platystrophiais recorded from the Cincinnatian Series and also from Silurian rocks of Ohio.
McFarlan (1931): (under Platystrophia)
- A spiriferoid Orthid with long straight hingeline and strongly plicated biconvex shell. Brachial valve with strong median fold, pedicle valve with corresponding sinus. Cardinal area about equally developed on each valve. Hinge teeth thick and prominent. On the basis of the development of the plications of the fold and sinus Cumings (1903, p. 40) has grouped the species into the uniplicable, biplicate, and triplicate groups.
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