Flexicalymene meeki

Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Trilobita
Order: Phacopida
Family: Calymenidae
Genus: Flexicalymene
Species: Flexicalymene meeki (Foerste, 1910)

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Formerly: Calymene meeki[/accordion] [/accordions]
Formerly: Calymene meeki[/accordion] [/accordions]
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- C6 Sequence (Elkhorn, Whitewater)
- C5 Sequence (Liberty, Waynesville)
- C4 Sequence (Arnheim)
- C3 Sequence (Mount Auburn, Corryville)
- C2 Sequence (Bellevue, Fairmount, Mount Hope)
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- 13 (rarely 12) segments.
- Subtriangular glabella.
- Three glabellar furrows.
- Blunt, rounded genal spines.
- Holochroal eyes on either side of glabella.

Flexcalymene meeki from McMillan Formation of Hamilton County, Ohio (OUIP 1269)
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Hannah Brame pers. comm. (2013):
Hannah Brame pers. comm. (2013):
- Distinguished from other species by relatively larger size, and its lack of tubercles on the surface of its exoskeleton.
Davis (1998):
- Trilobite. Cephalon characterized by sharply defined glabella with three deep lateral grooves. Pygidium small, continuing pattern of body segments. Enrolls. Maysvillian and Richmondian.
Fossils of Ohio (1996):
- Flexicalymene meeki is by far the most abundant species of the genus [Flexicalymene] in the Cincinnati series.
Shirley (1936):
- Glabella triangular in outline, rounded front; reaching further forward than the fixed cheeks; occipital ring swings forward in the median portion; occipital furrow excavated behind the first lobes. First lobes sub-quadrangular and rounded on the outer edges; first furrows deep, bifurcate, with slight intermediate lobes. Second lobes oval with the axes pointing somewhat forward and, like the first lobes, separated from the median portion of the glabella by faint hollows; second furrows deep. Third lobes small but distinct, the third furrows faintly indicated. Frontal lobe rounded, somewhat flattened anteriorly, and overhanging the preglabellar field. Axial furrows swing round the first lobes, contract a little at the first furrows, expand and become shallower at the second and third lobes and end with a slight contraction opposite the sides of the frontal lobe. “Antenary” pits show distinctly outside the frontal lobe in the floor of the axial furrows.
- Preglabellar field of moderate length, without subsidiary ridges and rather steeply upturned. Fixed cheeks not complete but the anterior portions are shown falling steeply, almost overturning, into the intramarginal furrow. Eyes opposite the third lobes: that is, more forward than is usually the case in the Calymenidae.
- Remarks— The reference of this specimen to F. meeki cannot be certain until more complete material has been found, but the identification has been strengthened by comparison to American specimens in the British Museum which undoubtedly belong to this species. The shape of the glabella, the axial furrows, fixed cheeks, and the position of the eyes are identical to the specimens considered. (Foerste, 1910)
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